Because We're Here ~Mohnblume Und Blauerose~ Act I Crack Activation Code Download
About This Game Because We’re Here ~Mohnblume und Blauerose~ is a story-driven otome dating sim in an unforgiving First World War-inspired conflict. It's an episodic visual novel in four acts.Synopsis1915, Wesslinger National Calendar. The Great War rages on.As neurotic Postal Corps volunteer Elfriede Rauss, you walk the trenches with the men of a lost generation. And amidst the chaos and brutality of the front lines, you encounter an obstacle that you are absolutely and categorically not prepared for: love.However. Love can be a difficult thing to hold on to at the best of times. And these are not the best of times...Key FeaturesRich, Narrative-Driven Experience - Act I sets in motion a twisting trench opera of conflicted loyalties and life-changing decisions. The events of the first act are brought to life by 20 pieces of original CG artwork.Diverse Array of Bachelors - Pick your love interest from a large and varied cast, spanning childhood friends, aristocrats, corporals and cowards. Act I introduces 11 main characters; Act II introduces an additional 8. (A total of 16 are available as love interests.)Intricate WW1-Inspired Setting - Investigate a grave turning point in the continent’s history as you journey across the towns and battlefronts of the First Lassallian War.Battle of Wits System - Argumentative boss battles that pit your emotional literacy and persuasive power against enemies and allies alike.Estimated playthrough time for Act I (Never Such Innocence) is roughly 3 hours.Act I is a significantly-updated version of the early WIP demos from 2015 and 2016. 1075eedd30 Title: Because We're Here ~Mohnblume und Blauerose~ Act IGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Studio ElfriedePublisher:Studio ElfriedeRelease Date: 19 Jul, 2018 Because We're Here ~Mohnblume Und Blauerose~ Act I Crack Activation Code Download because we're here mohnblume und blauerose act i. because we're here mohnblume und blauerose act i download This game is really interesting! The story is good, the characters feel real and the main character is charming.I love how the caracters interact with each other, also I love how realistic they feel. You can love them, feel neutral to them, or even find them infuriating. I love it!The story really grips you with the time period it takes place and the feel of being a postwoman during the Great War, having to wait for your childhood friend and the people you grew up with in the same town together from the war, it's very good! And yeah.Although, despite that, I kinda have a little tiny bit of problem that I had to learn the ropes throughout all of the playthrough and the ending kind of irked me a tiny bit... especially when it concerns one of the characters by the end of the game.But I'll still forgive it for the shock and the realism the story played out after that, though. Even though I felt a little cheated from having any choices during that part.Other than that, I love this game. I can't wait for he next part! ^^. I've been following OELVNs for quite a few years now and try to give everything a shot, but I'm usually quite hesitant to make purchases because a lot is being released and not everything is top quality. Still, I immediately knew I had to get this when I read through a summary and some reviews on this page. Even though the game is quite short, it shows incredible promise. The writing is great and the setting and history feels extremely interesting and immersive. You can tell the author knows her history and I especially commend the way its presented very naturally with the flow of the story and not heavy-handed for those with no real background in history. I love the huge cast of characters to get involved with and the mechanic of changing routes at any point in the story opens so many avenues for the story to progress I can't help but wonder what's in store. I can't wait for Act II, and I wholeheartedly recommend purchasing the game if you're currently in doubt.. If you are tired of WW2 or any other fantasy setting and want some interesting WW1 inspired war drama with a dash of romance then this is for you.Because we're here is a very well written visual novel and captures the single lives as well as the general mood in a pre-war and post-war era pretty good. The visual novel starts out with introducing us to our main character Elfriede Rauss, who is a simple post woman. Lately she has become anxious. War is in the air. A prominent figure of her nation was assassinated outside of their territory. And thus her nation and others are starting to beat the war drums. This of course has an effect on her town and it's residents.People are being enthusiastic. People who never experienced a war in their life-time want blood - some blood. After all isn't that all exciting and those uniforms look good. Honor, glory and brotherhood... or something like that. Then we have our sceptics, invalids and black sheep who dare to question the cause of war. And between all of them we have our main character. The great goodbye comes. The town is saying it's well wishes to those green young soldiers while they board the trains that bring them to the front.Time passes by and there really is no progress on the front. This only spurns our post woman to see with her own eyes how it truly is and to search for her friends, so she finds some friendly face that lead her into the trenches. That's when everything goes wrong and she ends up seeing too much to turn around.The focus here lies oblivious on the lives of the people who went to the front or are left behind. These characters are fleshed out extremely well and all come with their own take on the situation. I'm genuinely happy with how these characters evolve and just how diverse they are. Everyone has their own "truth", their own world view and the game isn't beating them down for having them.Another personal bonus for me is that when people write about some historical "Germany" or alternate universe Germany they don't really get the names right. This one does. These names were popular around 1910-20.And I should really put an emphasis on this being a war-drama. War is terrible and terrible things happen in war. PTSD, people dying or getting mutilated is a norm in the trenches.Edit: Apparently the demo is outdated and not available anymore. So I have taken the link down.. Incredibly well written and well paced. The tone is well executed - dark and shocking, which is expected from a war story, but not pointlessly gritty and not wall-to-wall bleakness. It's not heavily romance focused (yet?) but it's warm and even tender when it needs to be. Even though most of the characters are likeable, the story seems unconcerned with presenting them as objectively good people (one of the characters states that they're a Malthusian) which I think is fitting for a game like this. The art is hit or miss but it's never downright ugly. eugen is good boy i love him. Very fun game to play and it has quite a very interesting storyline for all characters. I really enjoyed and can not wait until Act 2 comes out.. If you are tired of WW2 or any other fantasy setting and want some interesting WW1 inspired war drama with a dash of romance then this is for you.Because we're here is a very well written visual novel and captures the single lives as well as the general mood in a pre-war and post-war era pretty good. The visual novel starts out with introducing us to our main character Elfriede Rauss, who is a simple post woman. Lately she has become anxious. War is in the air. A prominent figure of her nation was assassinated outside of their territory. And thus her nation and others are starting to beat the war drums. This of course has an effect on her town and it's residents.People are being enthusiastic. People who never experienced a war in their life-time want blood - some blood. After all isn't that all exciting and those uniforms look good. Honor, glory and brotherhood... or something like that. Then we have our sceptics, invalids and black sheep who dare to question the cause of war. And between all of them we have our main character. The great goodbye comes. The town is saying it's well wishes to those green young soldiers while they board the trains that bring them to the front.Time passes by and there really is no progress on the front. This only spurns our post woman to see with her own eyes how it truly is and to search for her friends, so she finds some friendly face that lead her into the trenches. That's when everything goes wrong and she ends up seeing too much to turn around.The focus here lies oblivious on the lives of the people who went to the front or are left behind. These characters are fleshed out extremely well and all come with their own take on the situation. I'm genuinely happy with how these characters evolve and just how diverse they are. Everyone has their own "truth", their own world view and the game isn't beating them down for having them.Another personal bonus for me is that when people write about some historical "Germany" or alternate universe Germany they don't really get the names right. This one does. These names were popular around 1910-20.And I should really put an emphasis on this being a war-drama. War is terrible and terrible things happen in war. PTSD, people dying or getting mutilated is a norm in the trenches.Edit: Apparently the demo is outdated and not available anymore. So I have taken the link down.. Impressively well-written, every line is so informative so efficiently in a quaint old-timey dialect, the heavy topic is carefully balanced and accentuated by much-appreciated humour that always hits and is very endearing to characters that are already very likeable and whose roles are a great, varied portrayal of pretty much every type of person that could be in this situation and really do feel like their own individual with thought processes that are well-founded. Elfriede is a lovely, silly yet smart protagonist and a breath of fresh air in the otome genre, or any media for that matter. Revolving the story around the instigator to the south is also a refreshing way of handling a topic many are familiar with. Uniquely charming and thoughtfully crafted.. War isn't about middle grounds, and neither is Because We're Here. It's a game that may well prove to be polarizing (and I'm glad the dev took the risk). You could find this otome game a complete waste of time, or unusual but worthwhile. I'll tell you why I'm in the latter camp as I go through different aspects of the game. Older fans have probably played the demos (both super old and now defunct) that constitute what is now Act I, and might be wondering if it's still worth it to buy this part of the game. Plot is the same but there's been a pretty big glow up in other aspects. The biggest plus for me was how the other guys aside from August now feel much more fleshed out - nothing big, but little changes in the writing strengthen the characterization. There's also longer ending scenes (with CG!) that make for better closure.The UI is user friendly. There's no quick save and load but that's not a problem because I never really needed them. I also like the transparent text boxes - the font and size of the text are clear and I like that they don't hide little details.The color palette is dreary, and the backgrounds are rough. This might be a problem for some, but to me it just adds to the atmosphere. Life is drab when you're resigned to death by foreign guns, and the somewhat blurry backgrounds esp in the trenches make me feel like I'm seeing them behind a haze of smoke from shelling, which again really makes me feel like I'm actually in the world of BWH. The sprites look really polished, and the awkwardness I felt at them not having dynamic poses (Otto, now is not the time for a high five!) was dispelled by how expressive their faces are - cartoony but not inappropriate for the dark subject. In fact, funny expressions or poses add dark humor without disrespecting the somber topic of war. The CGs are a little amateurish (especially the first person ones toward the end) but the style still feels appropriate for BWH.The soundtrack isn't completely original but it really reflects what BWH is like. The music ranges from fast and set to a very "military" beat; to sad and sentimental; to romantic and nostalgic. The music enhances emotionally heavy scenes, and that shows what a soundtrack can do for a game! The music and SFX can get loud and startling, at least for me, so maybe keep your volume low if you have sensitive hearing.Anyone enjoys good art or a fun soundtrack, but it's the stories your favorite games tell that get you invested. An interesting aspect of the game is that you can change love interests without restarting the whole game, and I think that makes for a very realistic look at love. It's also more flexible. The Battle of Wits is also a great mechanic where you have to say the right things to beat an opponent (sometimes yourself!) in a verbal battle or get them to calm down. It requires strategy and emotional intelligence, and while it can be jarring, it sets the game apart. Elfriede is one of my favorite MCs. It's refreshing to see someone a multifaceted, complex character who's also enough of a "blank slate" that I feel my choices matter in shaping her personality and relationships. The love interests are also very well fleshed out. They're tropey, but as the story unfolded I saw how the creator lovingly parodies familiar dating sim archetypes and uses them as a setup for further character development. This is also where the game shows the most improvement from its previous drafts. The boys are good characters in the demos and still well written, but sometimes the game tended to focus too much on August. It's understandable because he's the one closest to Elfriede, and the commercial version still does spend the greatest chunk of time with him pre-war, but this time, it doesn't feel like it's at the expense of getting to meet other characters. This game is also special because it's probably the only otome where I never felt so turned off by a character I completely didn't want them. Even characters like Otto and Walter who is not a romance route but is...still a route (who have...questionable values to say the least) are interesting enough as people that I was game to play their routes even if it was purely from interest in their roles in the story and not because they're guys I'd actually date. (Speaking of that, August is a lot like my actual boyfriend so that also created an additional level of attachment and grief when he dies huhu .) The representation also never feels like it's crammed in for PC points, and the guys you can romance have a wide range of backgrounds and personalities, so you won't get bored with this bunch. This isn't even the full cast yet as there are more in Act II!The handling of the war topic, which will never not be sensitive, is commendable as well. Where I'm from, the horrors of armed conflict, the looming threat of state fascism, and mob mentality which ends in disaster are huge parts of collective memory and cross-generational trauma, so a part of me was hesitant about the game when I first heard of it, even if I have thankfully never had much personal experience with these things. However, my doubts about choosing such a setting for a dating sim of all things were quickly dispelled as I actually played. The author doesn't shy away from showing the scars, physical and otherwise, people caught in conflict bear, and issues like government propaganda and blind herd mentality are tackled as well, but never verging on diatribe. The player sees the consequences these things have in-game, and it's not pretty when you remember real life parallels. It encourages you to think and ask questions beyond whose route you'll play next. All I'll say about the actual plot is: 1) girl tries to have a fantastical otome romance (which, worry not, doesn't beget romanticization) against the very real and very unfortunate backdrop of an international power struggle, and 2) the childhood friend both wins and loses.If you want an otome that delivers on both romance and story, has characters who will keep you up at night thinking (and crying) about them, and most of all, is a deep and profound portrayal of war, and the bonds forged because and despite it, Because We're Here might just be your next favorite game.. I've been following this game since its demo version and I'm really happy to see it completed. At first I had my doubts about how the otome genre could be handled in a WWI setting, but Studio Elfriede did an amazing job balancing the romance aspect and the harsh reality of war. Act I doesn't contain much romance as it mainly functions to introduce the characters and build up the setting, but it does it really well. The cast of characters is extensive, but each one is unique and feels realistic. Their views on the war and their situation feel believable, and you grow to understand where they're coming from even if their views conflict with your own. I just really like the characters in this game. Never before have I wanted to know more about the main love interests like I did in Because We're Here, even if they're characters I'm not romantically interested in. Elfriede, the main heroine, is another strong aspect of this game. She's not your typical otome heroine with little to no personality or backbone; she is her own person with her own beliefs and emotions which get explored in the game. I genuinely enjoyed playing as Elfriede and learning about the world through her eyes. What really sold the game to me though, is the way different aspects of the war were presented in a realistic way. You get to explore life on both the home front and the trenches and learn about the psychological and physical impacts it can have on a person. It explores death and loss but also hope and determination. All of this was handled so well in the game and I'm really excited to learn more about the world and characters of Because We're Here in the upcoming Acts.Because We're Here is more than a romance game so if you're here just for romance, this game may not be for you. But if you're looking for something with depth that explores different aspects of life and gives you some food for thought, then by all means buy the game. It's definitely worth the money. Wishlist Act II!: The store page for Because We're Here Act II is now up, meaning it's available to wishlist! (LINK)Act II is titled Live and Let Live, and is the longest of BWH's four acts, at an estimated 6-7 hours. It's scheduled for release in June - I’m working off the provisional release date of the 20th.